How to Transition Your Beauty Routine From Winter to Spring in 8 Steps
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How to Transition Your Beauty Routine From Winter to Spring in 8 Steps

Hi girls, how are you today?

We’re in the first few months of spring, and along with the differences in the weather, you should incorporate start considering how to adapt the new climate.

While you’re tossing your cold weather clothes back into storage, consider changing other seasonal aspects of your look, too.

Warm temperatures are a chance to transition your beauty routine from winter to spring.

A few easy changes will prepare your entire look for the coming months.

Last week, we talked about trendy Spring manicures and cool nail art designs for you to copy this season. Be sure to check it out if you need any gorgeous Spring nail inspo.  

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Why it’s important to transition your beauty routine from Winter to Spring

How to Transition Your Beauty Routine From Winter to Spring in 8 Steps

When the seasons change, not only should you absolutely practice a good Spring cleaning at your home and get more organized, but so should you skincare. That’s because different weathers affect our body in different ways.

My usual summer oily skin needs extra moisturizing in winter months because it gets so dry to the point it’s unrecognizable.

Needless to say that the harsher weather during the winter months has the capacity of stripping off our skin from its natural moisture. That’s why winter skincare is all about locking in that moisture at any cost to boost dry and flaky complexion.

This means that some skin care products that you use during winter might be a bit too heavy for your skin during Spring time and warmer weather.

In this case, a lighter moisturizer would work best.

That said, here are our best spring skin care tips to smoothly make this seasonal transition.

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How to Transition Your Beauty Routine From Winter to Spring in 8 Steps

My Perfect Spring Beauty Routine

1. Exfoliate Your Face

Dry winter air can cause dead skin cells to build up more than expected, even for people who typically have oily skin. And exfoliating is imperative in the removal of dirt, waste, and dead skin cells because it stimulates cell turnover.

This might be a daily challenge for you if you notice regular flaking around your nose, chin or cheeks.

Clear it all away by exfoliating your face and repeat the process at least once a week. Your pores will be able to breathe while they work overtime during sweaty spring and summer afternoons.

How to Transition Your Beauty Routine From Winter to Spring

Use an exfoliating mitt to keep your skin looking and feeling amazing, and finalize it with a moisturizer (pro tip: apply while skin’s still damp for an extra hydration boost).

Ah yes, as always, any dermatologist will always tell you to always (and we mean always) to apply sunscreen to avoid sun damage. Sun exposure causes premature aging, lines, and wrinkles and greatly increases the risk of skin cancer.

2. Find Water-Based Products

You don’t have to give up using serums just because it’s warmer. Trade-in your oil-based serums for water-based ones.

Concentrated beauty products will clog your pores more quickly if they compete with sweat. People most typically use them when they don’t have to worry about perspiring in the winter.

Spring is the perfect time to switch to water-based products like serums. A water-based serum still has all of the concentrated nutrients for your skin, but it’s more lightweight

They soothe your skin and protect against developing fine lines, and they will also prevent breakouts. Your face will feel lighter and fresher by simply changing the ingredients in your preferred products.

3. Hydrate. Drink water & Switch lightweight Moisturizer

At first glance, this may seem like a no-brainer. It’s something you should do no matter what season it is.

But you’d be surprised with how many people overlook proper hydration for their skincare regimen. Always drink plenty of water throughout the day.

If drinking water regularly is something that you have difficulty, try walking with a water bottle to remind yourself to drink water more regularly.

Further on, a standard lotion will provide a natural barrier and locks in your skin’s natural moisture.

As the season changes and Spring arrives, be sure to switch to a more lightweight moisturizer because thicker moisturizers can make your skin too oily and break out during warmer seasons such as Spring an August.

So when the seasons change, it’s best to switch to a lighter moisturizer formula. This daily hydrating face cream is from Kiehls really saved my skin last year (as you may know, I’m quite the Kiehls fan)

4. Change Your Shampoo

  You’ll likely spend more time outside as the weather warms up, so switch to a lighter shampoo that doesn’t leave your hair feeling heavy.

The extra sunlight can damage your hair or cause dye to fade. Ultraviolet (UV) light exposes remaining natural pigments and ruins even fresh hair coloring, so change your shampoo to one with SPF protection.

You’ll extend the life of your color after your next trip to the salon.

5. Try a Hair Mask

What should you do when your hair or scalp gets burned?

A hair mask is a simple at-home solution that you can add to your weekly routine.

They restore moisture to fried ends or hair that’s been damaged by chlorine. Stockpile them in your bathroom so one is always ready in case of an emergency.

6. Wash Your Brushes

Old products can host a colony of unwanted bacteria, leading to clogged pores and dull skin.

And makeup brushes are often overlooked. These have the potential to storing germs and viruses. Aim to wash your makeup brushes at least once a week (especially important during warmer months when our skin produces more oil)

You’ll likely switch to a powder-based foundation in the spring, so don’t forget to wash your brushes often. It’s vital to prevent bacteria buildup and keep your skin healthy.

Use lukewarm water and a mild cleanser, and scrub gently in the palm of your hand.

Be sure to rinse them thoroughly and squeeze excess moisture out with a towel. Let sit overnight and they will be good as new in the morning.

Video Resource: How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

7. Invest in Waterproof Mascara

You sweat in places other than just your armpits. Your brow bones, eyelids and cheekbones can all become damp with perspiration and affect your mascara.

Avoid the smudging and running makeup by using waterproof mascara when the weather gets hot.

A pack of makeup remover wipes will quickly clear everything away before bed.

8. Wear Warm Nude Lip Colors

Bold lip colors like bright reds and deep purples look fantastic in the winter, but spring is all about new life. When you picture blooming flowers and budding trees, you’ll see pastel colors and earthy tones.

Replicate those colors with your spring lipsticks and gloss. It’s a subtle nod to the time of year and a simple roster of shades that will match any outfit.

Ground your looks with earth-inspired lip colors, and your makeup will never look out of place.

9. Antioxdiants, babe

Spring skincare is all about antioxidants.

These can (and should) be used year-round, but they are particularly helpful during the spring and summer months to avoid sun damage

While antioxidants are helpful year-round, they are particularly important during the summer (and warmer months such as end of Spring) when stronger UV rays can damage unprotected skin.

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How to Transition Your Beauty Routine From Winter to Spring in 8 Steps

Ready to Transition to Spring Beauty Care?

Spring is the time for new life, so why not bring that energy to your beauty routine? It’s time to get excited about a fresh update to your look.

No matter which tips you try first, you’ll end up with a routine that boosts your health and helps you shine.

Ah yessss, and transition from spring to winter is not only regarding your skincare routine, but also your skincare products.

It’s tempting to begin hoarding skincare products when you’re interested in keeping your skin game strong. What started as one or two bottles of moisturizer can quickly turn into five or six.

You have to ask yourself, “Do I need another sunscreen bottle?” Especially if you haven’t used them in a while, the answer is likely no.

In other words, Spring clean your bathroom shelf. Throw away those skincare products on the back collecting dust!

Spring is on the horizon, and it’s time to get rid of any products that have been in your cabinet for more than a few months.

It’s okay to let go.

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