5 Essential Vitamins Which Will Help You Grow Taller
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5 Essential Vitamins Which Will Help You Grow Taller

5 Essential Vitamins Which Will Help You Grow Taller

A detailed guide on all essential vitamins that may help increase height.

Medically reviewed by Jenna VolpeJenna Volpe, RDN, LD

Written by

Tanya ChoudharyTanya Choudhary, ISSA Certified Specialist In Fitness & Nutrition  • 

Your genes majorly determine your height. But have you ever wondered why someone might not even reach the height determined by their genes?

In many cases, the reason could be a vitamin deficiency. While you cannot directly use vitamins to grow taller, they may play a major role in growth and development. They help make your bones stronger and healthy. However, this is only possible when you supply all the required nutrients to your body along with all the required vitamins. The body needs many vitamins like B1, B2, D, E, and C.

Many studies have stated that eating only particular foods containing few vitamins may not contribute to a growth in height. Hence, a diet coupled with all the required beneficial nutrients will help you in multiple ways and may help support linear growth and maximize height. In this article, we have listed the vital vitamins and minerals your body needs and have discussed how they will affect your height. Including foods rich in these nutrients may promote your growth and development. More importantly, they can also contribute to your overall health and wellness. Continue reading to know more.

Note: Please be informed that your body stops growing after a certain age, and adequate nutrition may only promote health from then on (and not contribute to your physical height in any way).

In This Article

Vitamins To Grow Taller

1. Vitamin D

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This is the most important vitamin that contributes in making the bones strong and long. When a person does not get vitamin D in the required dosage, his bones and teeth become weak. Apart from sunlight, which is the major source of vitamin D, you can also increase your intake by including vitamin D-rich foods in your diet such as vitamin D-fortified milk and mushrooms – This will certainly enable you to achieve the height you are destined to reach genetically. Vitamin D may also contribute to achieving optimal height by helping the body effectively absorb phosphorus and calcium which are important for the growth of the bones (1).

protip_icon Quick Tip
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for ages between 0 to 12 months is 10 mcg (400 IU), while it is 15 mcg (600 IU) for ages between 1 year and 70 years (14).

2. Vitamin B1

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This vitamin can help support achieving optimal height indirectly as it plays a vital role in supporting growth and development. It also helps in regularizing the digestion process. Vitamin B1 contributes to maintaining a healthy heart and nervous system (2), (3). While these may not directly contribute to height, they may support one’s physical well-being, which may help in this regard. Some common sources of vitamin B1 are rice, peanuts, pork, and soybeans (4).

Related: 12 Surprising Health Benefits Of Vitamin B-Complex

3. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

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Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2. It is a crucial vitamin that helps in increasing height. It supports the growth of bones, skin, hair, and nails (5). Foods rich in riboflavin include eggs, fish, milk, and green leafy vegetables (6).

4. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

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This vitamin is also known as ascorbic acid which contributes to strengthening the bones and teeth and promoting their growth (7). It is a rich antioxidant that helps boost immunity and prevents illness (8). Rich sources of this vitamin are tomatoes, potatoes, citrus fruits, and berries (9).

While the above-mentioned vitamins support optimal growth, supplements alone may not ensure optimal growth. It is also important to include essential minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and a healthy balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) in your diet to ensure optimum growth, which is key to attaining your genetic height potential.

protip_icon Did You Know?
Acerola cherry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Hundred grams of acerola contain about 1500 to 4500 mg of vitamin C, which is 50 to 100 times more than that in lemons or oranges (15).

Related: Top 39 Vitamin C Foods To Include In Your Diet

5. Calcium

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Calcium is one of the most important minerals required by the body to enhance and optimize bone growth (10). A regular intake of calcium can support the longevity and strength of your bones. The major sources of calcium are milk and other dairy products (11). It can also be obtained from other food sources such as collards, spinach, fortified soy products and turnip greens. Along with calcium, phosphorus too helps in promoting the growth of bones (12).

Related: 11 Best Foods For Building Strong Bones And Muscles

Age-wise Guidelines for Calcium Intake:

  • 1 to 3 years: 500 mg calcium
  • 4 to 8 years: 800 mg calcium
  • 9 to 18 years: 1300 mg calcium
  • 19 to 50 years and above: 1000 to 1200 mg calcium

Some of the richest sources of phosphorous include fish, peanuts, and meat.

Infographic: 5 Important Nutrients To Help You Grow Taller

While genetics play a large role in our development, consuming an adequate amount of essential vitamins and minerals each day will help you grow tall. To help you out, we have rounded up a list of the five important nutrients you must include in your diet to increase your height. Check out the infographic below to know more!

5 important nutrients to help you grow taller (infographic)


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Your genetics predominantly determine your height. However, some people end up experiencing stunted growth during their adolescence, after puberty hits, despite being genetically predisposed to reaching a good height. The main reason for this is nutritional deficiencies, especially in vitamins like D, B1, B2, C, and minerals like calcium. These nutrients contribute to stronger and healthier bones and support the growth of the body. So, consume foods rich in these vitamins to grow taller. For maximum results, exercise every day and engage in sports activities like aerobics, cycling, and swimming to improve your body’s metabolism and growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can zinc make you taller?

Yes. Zinc supplementation was found to increase height in school children without any adverse reactions (13).

Does milk make you taller at 18?

The height of a person depends not only on nutrition alone. Several other factors, like growth hormones and genetics, play a role. Milk only supplies the nutrients your body lacks, like calcium and vitamins A and D, which help in bone development. Vitamin K and magnesium are also essential vitamins and minerals (respectively) for building healthy bones and supporting optimal linear growth.

Are there any pills to grow taller?

No, there are no pills to help grow taller. As discussed above the height of a person depends majorly on their genes.

Does height increase after 18?

Height may or may not increase after the age of 18. Though most adolescents attain their final height by the age of 18, there are chances that some can grow taller after 18, especially if the skeletal maturation happens late (16).

Does vitamin B12 help become taller?

Vitamin B12 will not make you taller than the peak height. However, consuming vitamin B12-rich foods from childhood can help in overall growth (17).

What is peak height?

The peak height velocity is the period of time where the maximum rate of growth occurs. It is also known as a growth spurt.

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Key Takeaways

  • Vitamin deficiency may also prevent people from reaching their complete height.
  • Strong bones and growth spurt may be promoted by vitamins B1, B2, D, E, and C
  • Vitamin D and calcium are very important for stronger and longer bones that help in height increase.
  • Vitamin B1 may help support growth and development, while Vitamin B2 may help in increasing height.

Do you want to know how to grow taller naturally? Discover more about the essential vitamins you need to maximize your height by watching the video below.


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  1. Vitamin D and growth hormone in children: a review of the current scientific knowledge
  2. Association between levels of thiamine intake diabetes cardiovascular diseases and depression in Korea: a national cross-sectional study
  3. B Vitamins in the nervous system: Current knowledge of the biochemical modes of action and synergies of thiamine pyridoxine and cobalamin
  4. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  5. Riboflavin
  6. Riboflavin1 2
  7. Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview
  8. Vitamin C in disease prevention and cure: an overview
  9. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
  10. Calcium and bone
  11. Calcium Intake Major Dietary Sources and Bone Health Indicators in Iranian Primary School Children
  12. Importance of Dietary Phosphorus for Bone Metabolism and Healthy Aging
  13. Zinc supplementation enhances linear growth in school-aged children: A randomized controlled trial
  14. Vitamin D
  15. Acerola, an untapped functional superfruit: a review on latest frontiers
  16. The Final Phase Of Growth In Height
  17. Acerola, an untapped functional superfruit: a review on latest frontiers
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