10 Ways to be More Beautiful With Very Little Effort
14 mins read

10 Ways to be More Beautiful With Very Little Effort

The odd thing about that which is known as “effortless beauty” is that it is, in reality, anything but.

Even though you spot someone with a bare face and a ponytail—the quintessential of the simplest of looks—there is a good chance that a certain level of effort is made.

But sometimes, it’s not that easy to put in the necessary time, especially for those who have a more on-the-go lifestyle.

Not everyone may have an hour every morning to attempt to put on a magazine-worthy look. It’s a good thing low effort doesn’t exactly mean bad results.

Here are some ways to be more beautiful while making the most of what you have. 

Table of Contents

How to Be More Beautiful With Very Little Effort

Looking for a litle boost in confidence?

If you want to look your best and feel good about yourself every day without spending money, this post is perfect for you.

Get some sleep.

There’s nothing like a good, ol’ beauty sleep, right?

10 Ways to be More Beautiful With Very Little Effort

A good look starts with a good base, and the skin just so happens to be that for the face. But while makeup could certainly cover any pigmentation or dark circles, relying on full-on coverage is simply another extra getting-ready step in the morning, and therefore also another 20 minutes or so.

Getting enough sleep can actually be considered one of the really effective bedtime beauty habits after a rejuvenating nighttime skincare routine.

Invest in a silk pillowcase and avoid fine lines on your face. This is a little trick I’ve been using and I certainly feel the difference, not only on my skin but also on my hair.

It could help you look a lot more awake and refreshed, giving you the advantage of not having to conceal those pesky eye bags or dark circles. You’d also get the bonus of actually feeling better and look more beautiful.

Take good care of your skin

Do you have a good skin care routine?

Besides sleep, creating (and following) a personalized skincare routine for yourself is another great way to help your skin get all the nutrients it needs and look more beautiful with little effort.

It takes some research—and also a fair amount of trial and error—to know what exactly your skin needs. If, for example, your skin is the oily kind, you might benefit from products that have oil cleansing benefits.

Try to also invest in a good moisturizer and be sure that it fits what type of skin you have.

How to Be More Beautiful With Very Little Effort

Don’t be shy about investing in good products. Quality skincare may seem expensive at first, but there are a lot of affordable products that do the trick just fine.

Besides, think of it this way—investing in good skincare products is just the same as investing in your skin for the long run. 

When your skin looks good, your self-esteem is bound to feel great.

A few important (and most basic) skincare tips

  • Moisturize regularly – Be it internally (by drinking more water, regularly) or by often applying moisturizer to maintain a healthy skin.
  • Sunscreen – Use sunscreen, every day. And I can’t stress this enough: EVERY. DAY. Even when it’s raining, even when you’re inside. Ah yes, and equally important, don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen regularly throughout the day.
  • Get a facial – Have you ever gotten a professional facial? If not, I urge you to do so. It’s the best way to instantly get rid of skin texture
  • Exfoliate – Exfoliating up to twice a week will unclog your pores from dead skin cells. This will help your skin better absorb beauty products. Also, it can reduce the appearance of fine lines, increase circulation, and make your skin appear more radiant.

Best Foods For a Healthy Skin

Girls that have a seemingly natural glow make sure that they are eating healthy food. Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and cut back on processed foods and sugar.

Here are a few of the best foods for your skin:

  1. Fatty fish
  2. Avocados
  3. Walnuts
  4. Sunflower seeds
  5. Sweet potatoes
  6. Red or yellow bell peppers
  7. Broccoli

Find a lip shade that suits your skin tone.

Fun fact about lipsticks: they’re not just for the lips.

If you’re short on time during the mornings, taking lipstick with you can actually help you put on a full-faced look. They can be used for coloring the lips, for one, but they can also act as a blush of sorts.

Lightly tapping it on your cheeks will give you that essential glow that you need. Blend it right, and it’ll look like you’ve spent time putting on some blush. It can also serve as a cream eyeshadow.

If you put it all together, it’ll build on a monochromatic look that’s perfect for any situation—whether it’s for an everyday office look or a muted night-out aesthetic. 

Accessorize right. 

Beauty doesn’t just come from the skin; it comes from the overall charm that you’re going for. But what exactly should you do on those days when you need to find that particular charm in time to avoid the dreaded Monday morning traffic?

An efficient way to do so is through accessories. They can actually change your entire look quite drastically even with just a single piece.

It’s a pretty easy and fairly low-effort way of spicing things up.

They’re also useful if you’re the type who loves trying out new looks. Still, there are a lot of different kinds of accessories—so where exactly can you start? 


Earrings can make you look as though you’ve put in a lot of effort, regardless of whether or not you actually have.

You could try out simple ones for your regular-day looks, matching silver-toned jewelry with cool tones and gold ones with warm shades of clothing.

Pearl earrings, for one, can make you look elegant and classy even if you’ve got something as simple as a plain white T-shirt on.

Meanwhile, hoop earrings help to give a little bit of an edge to what can be considered an otherwise conventional look.

Or maybe, if you’re feeling slightly more adventurous, you could put on an ear cuff as a statement piece of sorts. Whatever you choose though, it’s bound to add more depth to your look. 


Another great way to accessorize is by putting on a headband. The kind of beauty you can get would be mostly associated with its color.

A simple white one could give a more youthful, preppy look. But perhaps you’d like to wear a printed one in order to make a statement.

Using a tied headband can also give a more vintage feel to whatever outfit you’re currently sporting and an. easy way to look more beautiful.


If you happen to be outdoors most of the time, wearing hats is also a relatively low-effort way of feeling more beautiful.

While they’re known to serve the purpose of shading your face from the rays of the sun, hats also have the power to change up your look.

look more beautiful by accessorizinging with a hat.

A newspaper boy hat can be a great way to juxtapose any outfit that leans towards the more feminine side, for example.

You could also choose to go the classy and elegant way, a la the French style, with a beret.

There’s also the option of going with a large sun beach hat if you’re not too keen on showing your face a lot. 

Wear Minimal Makeup

You don’t have to use loads o makeup to look pretty, quite the contrary. The 2022 trend is minimal makeup.

Makeup is fun and a great way to accentuate your features, but there is no need to go overboard. In fact, most men I know firmly say they prefer minimal makeup and dislike that cakey aesthetic.

Quick Beauty Makeup Tips

  • Draw the outlines of your eyebrows for a perfect makeup finish and to make your face look prepped
  • Use tinted lip balm
  • Always apply mascara to look effortlessly attractive
  • A little bit of blush goes a long way to get rid of a tired face
  • Never, ever forget sunscreen

Keep in mind that, at the end of the day, it is all a bout how they make you feel inside and out. 

Try out a new hairstyle. 

Beauty doesn’t just revolve around accessories and skincare—donning new hairstyles can also work wonders.

While perhaps the most well-known low-effort hairstyle that many women often resort to is the ponytail, it doesn’t always have to be so.

A half ponytail—with a few face-framing fringes—can make you look a lot more put together. Or maybe a braid would add some flair to your everyday look.

But of course, the simplest (and yet fairly effective) way of making yourself feel more beautiful is probably simply changing your hair part. 

Or simply maintain nicely-trimmed hair

If you’re not one to be bold when it comes to hairstyle, simply maintaining your locks trimmed will give you a whole new complexion that makes you look beautiful with very little effort.

As simple as this might seem, trimmed hair will make you feel more elegant and look more attractive. Also, investing in good quality shampoo for your hair is another easy way to look beautiful without much afterthought.

Pluck Your Eyebrows

Don’t forget to pluck your eyebrows If you want to quickly look more naturally beautiful.

Make sure you get a good set of tweezers to keep them cleaned up and looking great. Even. better, if you have some extra money, invest in going to a beautician for professionally plucked eyebrows. I can’t state how big of a difference this will make.

Having your eyebrows look perfect can make your entire face look amazing.

Don’t forget to smile

Many of us imagine smiling as an involuntary act in response to something that brings you any form of joy or amusement.

But smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice. And regardless if something makes you laugh or if you make a conscious effort to show your pearly whites to people, smiling can positively impact both your mind and body, greatly benefiting your health.

beautiful smile
Image source

When you smile, your mood and the moods of people around you shine. You bring positivity and become a person who is enjoyable to be around. Smiling will make you look prettier with very little effort.

You’ll look confident and instantly become more attractive. Plus, smiling also reeduces stress.

So don’t forget to take great care of your teeth. Brush them regularly, floss, and visit your dentist at least once a year (I myself go twice a year—Brazilians have something of an obsession with dental care).

Pay Attention to Your Posture

Posture is superk, duper imporant. It’s something we need to make a conscious effort to improve (and also easily overlooked). Slouching and poor posture can make you look a lot older besides damaging your back and adversely impacting your health.

If you must, wear a posture trainer. A good posture will be sure to boost your level of attractiveness and confidence.

Ready to look more beautiful?

Truly, there are some secrets to the coveted “effortless look”. But these ways are simple hacks that don’t necessarily require a lot of time or effort.

I hope that these tips on how to look more beautiful naturally help you to adopt some new habits into your beauty routine and inspire you to take care of yourself with love.

If you feel overwhelmed, simply Just adopt a couple of these beauty tips and then take it from there. Pretty soon people will be asking about your beauty secrets.

Try them out next time you’re getting rushing to get ready in the morning—or if you just feel like you need a beauty pick-me-up.

Tell me below: what’s your favorite tip to look pretty and feel good?

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